My kids gave me a GPS for Christmas, a Garmin. I tried it out inside the building, but it doesn't work in there so I'll have to go out to the car with it. It's pretty amazing. If you select a few letters of a town, it fills in the rest for you. I love it!
They all came over for Christmas Eve -- Camille, Mark, John and his partner Dan. I made chicken soup with rice and t-bone steaks and mashed red potatoes. I was going to make Viennese cookies but didn't have the time. I'll probably make them today. My house is still a mess with some of the dinner dishes still out and gift wrapping not completely picked up. I have work to do before everyone comes over again today.
Mark brought me a bouquet of white flowers and a bottle of wine. I put the flowers in a red vase. It's awfully nice to get flowers. The wine was a Shiraz and it was very good.
Mark, Camille and I watched It's a Wonderful Life before John and Dan got here from Wisconsin. I recently bought a $29 DVD player and it works fine, and I got three Christmas movies to play on it. Other than the Christmas movies I have Harvey and a Tai Chi DVD. I need to get myself some more movies. I was thinking City of Angels and Groundhog Day, two of my favorites. I like movies that have some magic to them.
Mark and his friend Sarah are moving into an apartment on the Upper East Side in a couple of weeks. I bought Mark dishes and cuttlery for his new apartment and he loved them. He said Sarah would also love them. I also got him a framed poster of Van Gogh's painting of a cafe in Arles.
John and Dan got a KitchenAid mixer. John got this miniature video camera he'd asked for. I forget what it is called. It's smaller than an iPod.
Camille got a stack of video games and guides, also clothes and books. All the kids got books. I gave Camille a photograph of Bob Dylan, and she'll hang that up in her bedroom at the other house. Camille's birthday is the 27th and I have another large stash for her. She really rakes it in around Christmas.
So we had a good time. And I got my GPS.