Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fantastic Blue Socks Oxana Knitted for Friend Amy S.

Nothing is as great as a crochet & knitting club!  The one I belong to is a Meetup group called (no kidding) Eastside Hookers.  It's about half and half knitters and crocheters, and folks come in a lot of skill levels.

Well, I'm a crocheter, not a knitter.  But I have a friend who needs socks (I actually made her throw out socks the last time she was here!!!!) and I have a few sets of sock yarns.  So I picked out a color I thought my friend Amy would like, and sure enough, I found a "taker" at Eastside Hookers last time.  Oxana is nearly finished with the socks and we'll be able to pick them up from her before Amy heads back to Oregon in a couple days!
Socks Oxana is knitting on request for my friend Amy S. 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Redmond's wrapped trees, from Winter, 2012.Acrylic tree socks on more than 50 trees in Redmond, WA.  The installation was created by Sammamish resident and fiber artist Suzanne Tidwell.  

Sunday, January 27, 2013

NerdWars at Ravelry!!!!

Hey I've signed up for NerdWars on Ravelry!  I'm trying for Team Tardis, but if not, I'll do Team Serenity/Firefly.

What is NerdWars?  It's geeky fiber arts team competition.  I'm not kidding!  Hey, if you're not into Ravelry yet, it's totally worth it if you weave, crochet, knit or spin.  It's huge and it's incredible and every pattern in the world you might want is there!

JOIN US!!!!!!