Sunday, January 09, 2005

My Stitching Nook

My magnifying lamp got here Friday. Daniel set it up and it is now sitting next to my rocking chair in my room. It is so awesome! I can see every kind of fabric under it -- I tested them out! I am so excited to use it.

The problem was creating the stitching nook. The stitching nook is #1 on my list of stitching goals for 2005. I had to clear the fabric, projects, q-snaps, buttons, etc. off the rocking chair so I could use it. I sent Daniel to the store for some plastic file boxes and plastic see-through shoe boxes. The first thing I did was create a box for my fabric. I put the fabric in hanging file folders. Then I filled the two shoe boxes -- one with odds and ends (buttons, needles, floss cards), and the other with threads I haven't carded yet. But the box got awfully full awfully fast, so I am getting another two shoe boxes for just the floss -- one for DMC, and one for specialty threads. And I am also getting some more file boxes for my patterns.

The rocking chair is now empty and ready to use. There are boxes everywhere but I will find a place for them in the closet -- as soon as I get the closet cleaned out! That's the next step.

I am taking a online class at Barnes & Noble University on organizing from the inside out. It is a free class. I am hoping it will motivate me to clean my office/art room once and for all.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're really getting organised there Candice. I have two cupboards full of stitching stuff all in boxes and files and there is still a load of other stitchy stuff on just about every surface in the living room. Do you not get motion sickness stitching on a chair that moves!!!

Anonymous said...

What kind of magnifying lamp to you have? I noticed yesterday on television a commercial for something called an "Ott-light". If I do any needlework, I know I will have to have something to help me see, as even with glasses I always feel like I am just "guessing" that I have the needle right.