Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Counters

I put counters up on my blogs early this morning, and am very surprised how many people visit my sites. I can't believe that, in half a day, 20 people have visited this blog. I felt I was hiding out in my corner of the web, relatively safe from perusal. Now I am thinking, "Gee, people are actually visiting this blog. I have to make it good!"

Something that baffles me and led me to believe that traffic on my website is relatively slow: I get very few comments. So leave me a comment, and let me know that you were here!


Anonymous said...

Hi Candice,

I discovered your blog a few weeks ago and really enjoy reading it. I seldom post comments at the few blogs I read, even when I feel moved to do so. Don't know why!


Unknown said...

Hi Paula!

I'm glad you've come by! Thanks for reading my blog!


Anonymous said...

Hi Candice, Thanks for leaving me a message at BlogExplosion about diabetes and the Genetics and Public Health Blog. I've made the correction and specified type 2 diabetes. I'll be back again to poke around some more. It looks like we may have a few things in common! Must run and feed my toddler now. :D

PS FYI, my personal blog is Cotton-Pickin' Days.

Anonymous said...

Hey there... it's always kinda scary to discover you have readers. But it's far worse getting to see the Goggle search terms people use to find you!

Leeny said...

hi candice,

just dropping in to say hi! when you visit me, make sure you leave a comment too!

i found the counter that i want to use, but i'm leaving it to the net guru to help me put it up on my blog, hee hee.

how's bookcrossing going? i'm expecting my first bookring and bookcrossing order next week, so it will be a bit exciting for me. thanks again for re-introducing me to it! till next time...

eileen :)

Anonymous said...

Most of my comments are from my three faithful readers but I get visitors who find me through Google and other search engines, and never leave comments. By the way, checking to see what people searched on to find you is fun and addictive!

Rósa said...

There was a link to this site on one of my fav cross stitching blogs and I was just checking you out :)