Another of my crafts is crochet. Again, I haven't done it in a while, but I'm aching to, and I'll include some of my crochet in this blog.
I spent a lot of time learning calligraphy. I'm not nearly as good as I used to be. I used to wake up and do calligraphy every day. I got really good at Celtic calligraphy. I don't do the fancy cursive stuff, though. I like using fatter pens. All my calligraphy stuff is in a drawer in my desk.
I've done scrapbooking but I don't know where all the stuff is. I was doing a scrapbook about my trip to Vienna with my parents, but I wish I'd brought the stuff along to Saint Louis so I could finish it.
I sew. I just acquired a sewing machine and cabinet from Craigslist but I haven't touched it yet. I want to make crazy stuffed animals/people/things. I have 8 ties in a bag that I picked up at Salvation Army to make an octopus. I also shrunk a wool sweater to make a silly cat. Haven't made it yet. I really need to get this sewing machine going!
I have some gift wrapping books which came in useful at Christmas. I used some of the methods to wrap Christmas presents as well as Birthday presents for my daughter's birthday, which is two days after Christmas.
I also bead. I'm in the middle of a bracelet. Beading is MUCH faster than cross stitch and crochet. I enjoy beading a lot. I am also buying a necklace and earrings from the wonderful beader Phyllis Dintenfass, who was featured in Beadwork magazine last month. I just fell in love with it. It's $375 and I'm paying her one month at a time. I've already made one payment -- two to go. Phyllis was one of my beading teachers. I can really bead anything at this point but I like taking classes. Classes are a quick way to pick up new beading designs and to be motivated to get something done.
I've also dabbled in bookbinding. I would like to get back into that.
So I do/have done a lot of crafts. I wonder how many other people there are who have started and continue to do a lot of different crafts.
Phyllis Dintenfass's work may be seen at
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