Sunday, May 03, 2009

Stopped smoking three months ago! (Gained weight.)

I can't believe it. It has been three months since I quit smoking! I did gain a little weight, even with the Chantix (if you smoke, try this!), but working on losing it again. I don't fit into my favorite shorts, so I have a month or so before I'm going to want to wear them. But my doctors say it's better to gain weight than to smoke. In the past, I've quit and then started again because of the weight, but this time I'm going to try a different tactic. I do have a dietitian, but I don't seem to be able to follow the diet. It's hard to do that, especially when it means preparing my own meals, which I'm not good at. I did buy this pedometer a while ago (it's an OMRON and I like it a lot) and haven't used it much, but I really should go walking with Ace more. We live next to Forest Park and in nearly two years I've never taken Ace there. I'm sure he would love it!

The OMRON website really doesn't show the pedometer in its full glory. Try the REI Pedometer Comparison page -- I have the pocket pedometer which, of course, is the one with five starts.

UPDATE: May 16, 2009. I am still a quitter!!!!


Suz said...

Congratulations on quitting! I did it not too long ago, and I have never felt better! I mean, sometimes I REALLY miss them, but I know I'm doing the right thing.

Good for you! Keep it up!


huskergirl said...

CONGRATS ON QUITTING!! Keep it up for your own sake! I never ever started smoking, but see the problems my parents & some other family members have had & think you're definitely better off by stopping! Great work on your part - good luck as you go along this healthier path.

Dennise~~from TX