Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Embroidered Cross-Stitch Fairy Tale Fortune Teller/Cootie Catcher

I was perusing 1-2-3 Stitch which is one of my favorite online cross-stitch sources, when I discovered a cross-stitch origami cootie catcher/fortune teller! I am not sure how the designer got the shape to stay, but she probably used a fabric stiffener and an iron to set the shape, since cross-stitch fabric is quite soft and doesn't fold well. (Although, when you buy the fabric, it's sometimes sold folded and it's like heck to get those folds out -- so once the shape is set, it will probably stay that way.)

This embroidered origami fortune teller is pretty cute and would make a nice gift for a child. If you want to buy the design, go to 1-2-3 Stitch's fairy tale fortune teller page and enjoy!

P.S. Turns out that Lynne Nicoletti has other fortune teller designs besides the fairy tale one. 1-2-3 Stitch also has dog, cat and flower fortune tellers by Lynne. FYI Lynne has a website at lynnenicoletti.com. Click here for Lynne's page describing the creative process of "growing a fortune teller."


caleb34 said...

hey candice, sorry it took me so long to reply, if you need a feed go to google alerts, you can set up your own feed there. If you need any help let me know.

Doris Sturm said...

This article reminds me of the paper fortune tellers we used to make as kids. I know how to fold them in paper, but that's about it. I had totally forgotten about those.

Thanks for the memories ;-)
